Let’s begin with accepting the truth that ‘discipline’ isn’t the other word for punishment. The Latin origin of the word discipline is ‘to teach. Disciplining your child means teaching them responsible behavior and self-control. An undisciplined child is often an unpleasant company and finds it difficult to make friends, thus impacting their people skills and social life. Child behavior experts believe that discipline is as vital for healthy child development as nutritious food, motor skills, cognitive and physical exercises, and other emotional needs. It is not only good for your children but also necessary for their happiness and overall well-being. Especially for school-age children, it is crucial to learn how to manage their behavior and regulate their negative impulses.

Without discipline, children lack the tools necessary to navigate relationships and challenges in life, such as self-discipline, respect for others, and cooperation with peers.

Benefits of Disciplining Children

  • More likely to engage in positive behaviors that are beneficial for themselves as well as others
  • Disciplined children tend to be more confident and have the drive to do well in life
  • Learn accountability and self-control early on in life
  • Learn social skills that are important for making friends, such as empathy, patience, and knowing how to share
  • Their sense of entitlement is largely countered
  • More likely to understand what appropriate behavior is
  • Respect their parents or other authority figures
  • Learn to accept instructions and behave like a team player
  • Educates the child on appropriate behavior under different circumstances at home, school, a friend’s house, or in a public place
  • Teaches them to manage their behavior and develop important social skills
  • It helps them understand, manage and express their feelings