This is the first time your child will be stepping out of home and the shadow of your doting care Preschool age is the most important and impressionable phase in a child’s life.
From various researches and studies, it has been proved that more than half of the child’s brain develops during the first four years of age. The growth of the brain is so rapid that a child is able to take in almost everything, provided it is given to him in the form in which he can understand.

Shantiniketan World School provides a completely safe and secure environment-An environment that promotes independence, meaningful play, social interaction and more importantly a love for learning-that sets the course for his lifetime of learning.
We hope this brochure gives you a glimpse of how we work together with children and staff, to create and maintain a sense of community of security and of collaboration, of how we put spirituality at the centre of what we do every day and how we encourage thinking, success and celebration.
“Shalini Mahalwar” – Director